Cybersecurity bootcamp: The Bridge

Cybersecurity week 1

What I learned:

What happen when turning on a computer? | What is a VM? | VM Networks Configuration. | Basic linux commands. | Basic grep. | Basic Bash.

Reading list:

  1. GREP cheat sheet.
  2. Bit SUID en shell script (I).
  3. Bit SUID en shell script (II).
  4. Chapter 12 and 13 of book: Linux Basics for Hackers Getting Started with Networking, Scripting, and Security in Kali
  5. What I’ve enjoyed: deep understanding of how netwotks work at virtual machines in VirtualBox. I love this table:

By Amanda Guglieri

#DigitalEditor at Editorial Reus.

#FullStackDev at Derecho Práctico.

Studying/Playing (currently):
– Computer Science at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.
– Cibersecurity Bootcamp at The Bridge.