Cybersecurity bootcamp: The Bridge

Cybersecurity: week 6 and 7

18 – 31 October 2021

What I’ve learned

Introduction to security. Red Team. OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) report elaboration using: (with dorks),, nmap, spiderfoot, recon-ng, sublist3r, karma, theHarvester, maltego, nessus essentials, nikto, sherlock, profil3r, osintgram, FOCA, Google dorks,, ItIsMeCall911/Awesome-Telegram-OSINT, and a buch of cool and open source tools (including those to mask identity). Free VPN like windscribe or ProtonVPN.

Reading list

  1. Chapter 3: Redes de computadoras. Un enfoque descendente. James F. Kurose. | La capa de transporte Download.
  2. What are black box, grey box, and white box penetration testing? [Updated 2020

I’ve enjoyed:

  1. Making a map for the OSINT presentation. For that I’ve discovered the land of the fantasy map generators. For our end, we’ve used: Azgaard’s Fantasy Map Generator.

By Amanda Guglieri

#DigitalEditor at Editorial Reus.

#FullStackDev at Derecho Práctico.

Studying/Playing (currently):
– Computer Science at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.
– Cibersecurity Bootcamp at The Bridge.