Cybersecurity bootcamp: The Bridge

Cybersecurity: week 3

27 September – 3 October 2021

What I’ve learned:

Python scripting logic, no classes or objets yet, just the workaround of basic problems with functions, conditionals and loop iterations.

Reading list:

  1. Chapter 1-4: Programación shell en Unix/Linux (sh(Bourne), ksh, bash), by Christine Deffaix Rémy, published by Ediciones ENI, series “Recursos Informáticos”, 978-2-7460-5474-4, April 2010. Download index.

Group project:

  • We’ve worked on these exercises (basket and ticketing), providing a solution for one of them (ticketing) as a group (our code). I wanted to implement classes and go a little further with an advanced menu, so here is my code for that.

What I’ve enjoyed:

Mathematical focus on problem resolutions. We’ve made the clasic “Piedra, papel o tijeras” ( applying a module operation.

Stuck in:

Leviathan: Level 1 -> Level 2

By Amanda Guglieri

#DigitalEditor at Editorial Reus.

#FullStackDev at Derecho Práctico.

Studying/Playing (currently):
– Computer Science at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.
– Cibersecurity Bootcamp at The Bridge.